Our landscaping service employs advanced arboricultural practices and integrated pest management systems to ensure the health and vitality of your outdoor spaces while minimizing environmental impact.
With expertise in agronomy and irrigation engineering, our lawn care service offers customized fertilization and watering programs tailored to optimize root health and water efficiency.
Achieve seamless tree removal with our service, utilizing tree biomechanics analysis and canopy dismantling strategies for safe and controlled tree removal in urban environments.
Experience sustainable landscaping solutions with our service, incorporating recycled materials and permeable base layers to enhance stormwater management and reduce environmental footprint.
Gurrola and Sons Landscaping is the trusted landscaper in Upland, CA. We offer bespoke and professional landscape services for our clients seeking to enjoy the benefits of a seamless extension of your indoor living area into your outdoor space. We can create an area that is both beautiful and functional for all lifestyles, from initial concept to creation. With years of experience, we have developed a wealth of experience to deliver a professional landscaping and construction service. Our local, family-owned business provides top-quality workmanship and superior customer services at affordable rates. We also offer a military discount.